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Introduction. The article deals with the problem of discourse. The main trends of the doctrine of the discourse in historical perspective have been considered. It has been shown that the realities of modern life are the discursive manifestation through information and communication. The attention has been paid to the diversity of these approaches and definitions due to the ambiguity of defining the subject of study. Purpose. The objective of this work is to show that the use of discourse is not limited by linguistics, politics and etc. Discourse is a socio-cultural phenomenon with a certain empowered resource. Methods. In the article a method of comparative analysis and the methodological principles of power analysis of M. Foucault and P. Bourdieu have been used. Results. On the basis of works of M. Foucault and P. Bourdieu it has been proved that discourse is a socio-cultural phenomenon, which serves as a complex of communication events occurring between entities, which in their turn are endowed with a certain status and play relevant role games in the communication process. It is quite important to note that in today's society not institutions and norms become increasingly important, but directly acting personalities and their discourses: image, images, etc. The attention has been paid to the fact that discourse is always authoritative resource which at the present stage of human development is based on the availability of information and mass communication. Originality. It has been shown that in the modern world discourse serves as internalization of external determinations, and becomes on the one hand mental, deep, and on the other hand there are institutional restrictions ways to think, act and speak, which is entirely subject to conscious transformations and changes. Discourse as a set of acquired dispositions, is structured so that it reflects the social conditions in which it was learned. Conclusion. Discourse as social, socio-cultural phenomenon is over a human being as the institutions demand to recognize and to submit to the requirements of environment by means of socialization and adaptation. Thus, namely through such concept as discourse we can reveal the symbolic mechanisms of organization of the social world. 

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Библиографические ссылки

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