Основное содержимое статьи

Volodymyr SPIVAK


Introduction. The article is devoted to the research of visions about bliss as a type of happiness in the homiletics heritage of Antoniy Radivilovskiy. This topic is an integral part of mora-ethical teaching of Ukrainian thinkers of baroque epoch. The research of it should give us more solid vision about moral philosophical part of Ukrainian spiritual culture of the 2d half of the 17th century. Purpose. The purpose of our research is the analysis of interpretation specifics of the bliss concept in the Antoniy Radivilovskiy’s homiletics heritage. Methods. Methodological framework of the research are general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, contextual and genetic approaches, germeneutic method. Results. It was established that three aspects of understanding of bliss defined by Church Fathers were reflected in the work of Antoniy Radivilovskiy: edenic, heavenly and earthly. Repeating these ideas, Antoniy Radivilovskiy tries to give them the freshness of sound and form by adding his own thoughts to them and giving them ideas borrowed from antique tradition. Antoniy Radivilovskiy divides the idea of people’s chosenness for the blessed life on earthly and heavenly, however he doesn’t accept fatalistic understanding of it, establishing an active role of people in achieving the bliss. Originality. For the first time, the vision of Ukrainian Church thinkers of the baroque epoch about bliss as a type of happiness was researched, taking texts of Antoniy Radivilovskiy as an example. Conclusion. We can observe the process of forming of moral-ethical paradigm of Ukrainian spiritual culture of the baroque epoch, taking visions of Antoniy Radivilovskiy about bliss as an example. The research of the visions of Antoniy Radivilovskiy about bliss showed the potential of further study of integral parts of the general happy life concept. 

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Библиографические ссылки

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