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Introduction. In the 20th century novel as a genre of literature is of particular importance. This art form reflects the profound aesthetics and spiritual needs of the era. Novelistic form combines philosophy and literature, serves a variety of self-consciousness of human knowledge. Purpose. The aim is the comparative analyses of two philosophical theories of the novel – of H. Lukach and M. Bakhtin, to explore the philosophical origins of aesthetics concepts of the two thinkers. Results. European aesthetics identified the verbal arts to the field of literature. This tradition has its roots in ancient thought features. M. Bakhtin and H. Lukach see the philosophical theory of the novel as a center of literary genre overall vision of the world. Hungarian Marxist philosopher sees novel opportunities for creating epic fullness of life. The harmony between the individual and the public can be achieved in the new artistic principles. The ideal of the classical Greek culture can be realized. Bakhtin considers the novel as a way of interpersonal communication. The novels of Dostoevsky is a prototype of dialogical thinking for M. Bakhtin. Conclusion. The new artistic reality of 20th century (1) releases a novelistic form, creates a poetry aesthetics of verbal creativity; (2) the practice of postmodernism led to the revision of classical poetic terms "high" and "low"; (3) as a result, in the second half of the 20th century historical epistemology uses the principle of narrative form as cognitive tools. Understanding the problems of life turns to art novel metaphysics. Novelistic form combines philosophy and literature, serves a variety of self-consciousness of human knowledge.

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Библиографические ссылки

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