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Konstantin RAYHERT


Introduction. Contemporary philosophy of science and epistemology reverts to the project of the unified sciences introduced by Rudolf Carnap, Charles William Morris and Otto Neurath in 1930s.It leads to revision of philosophy and semiotics of Charles William Morris, including Ch. W. Morris’ humanistics. Purpose. The study presents Charles William Morris humanistics and its sorts. Results. According to Ch. W. Morris humanistics is either socio-humanistic sciences or meta-language of socio-humanistic sciences. Depending on what humanistics is – theory of value or descriptive semiotics it appears as an axiological humanistics or as a scientific humanistics correspondingly. Axiological humanistics is valuative use of signs which is the reason for preferential behavior. Axiological humanistics as a theory of value is not distinguished from socio-humanistic sciences. And what is more, socio-humanistic sciences make up axiological humanistics. Scientific humanistics as a descriptive semiotics explores actual use of signs in socio-humanistic sciences. Scientific humanistics is a meta-language of socio-humanistic sciences which Ch. W. Morris qualified as semiotical sciences, i. e. sciences that study semiotic reality, realm of signs and meanings. Since axiological humanistics is socio-humanistic sciences, scientific humanistics is a meta-language of axiological humanistics. In any case scientific humanistics appears to be semiotics of semiotics, i. e. meta-semiotics. Scientific humanistics is similar to scientific empiricism over both are semiotics. Thanks to this fact the unity of natural and socio-humanistic sciences can be achieved. But scientific humanistics is different from scientific empiricism because scientific humanistics is a semiotics of semiotical sciences, i.e. meta-semiotics, and scientific empiricism is a semiotics of non-semiotical sciences, i. e. just semiotics.

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Библиографические ссылки

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