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Introduction. The transformation processes that take place in the modern world cause a transition from prevailing of the secular system of world valued-view priorities to claim of so-called postsecular space of human existence. Purpose. The aim of the article is the opening of maintenance the concepts "secular" and "postsecular" and exposure the specific of the phenomena marked by them in the context of existent sociocultural realities. Conclusion. The processes of postsecular transformations envisage a not return to presecular times, but deep rethinking of previous (both religious and society) experience of comprehension the problems of existence of a man and the association. Postsecular is not a denial of secular; postsecular germinates inwardly and from secular. The postsecularity, unlike desecularization, envisages forward motion, but not return back. The proceeding in authority of religion becomes one of the important tendencies that characterize development of modern society. On changing to the centuries of secularizing the increase of interest in religion comes. Religion becomes one of main factors and instruments of regional and world politics today. Religion returns, but she returns not into empty place, but in the landscape formed by the processes of secularizing. Postsecular society is a society in that religious and secular exist together and only due to each other. The postsecular transformations are the background for the world view pluralism, coexistence in one sociocultural space of different world views and systems of values.

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Библиографические ссылки

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