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Permanent political speculations of philosophical concepts and values causing "spiritual vacuum" of Ukrainian society. To fill it, without destroying the ethnic identity and integrity of the Ukrainian people, can only the revival of symbolic number of Ukrainian culture and rethinking it in a new socio-cultural conditions. Purpose is in detecting and revealing the identity of guarding symbolism of sacred spaces of Ukrainian home in the light of its compliance with the Christian faith. Methods. The article is built on the basis of the principle of impartiality, which was used in tandem with the key principles of humanitarian discourse as historical and logical unity and comprehensiveness. Metrological basis of the work constituted by the following methods: analysis and synthesis, retrospective, comparing, systematization etc. Results. It is found that the house in the minds of the Ukrainian people, understood as a kind of "replica of the Universe", where the latter interpreted not as a reflection of the world outside, natural, as the realization of a kind of law of the universe - harmony, manifested in eternal whirlpool of life and death, ordering simultaneous coexistence of three worlds – the living, the ancestors and the gods. Permanent playback of harmony leads to sacralization of internal space of the house, giving items the outside value – things are transformed into amulets, whose meaning is actualized in the light of the ontological context of sacred space of the house. Originality. Reproduction of features of sanctification of the people`s social space in Ukrainian traditional culture through the prism of historical development, reveals that the consecration of living space acts as one of the key characteristics of human existence. Conclusion. Based on that sacred living space of human life is, if not the main, but still essential characteristic of human existence, we have every reason to believe that the modern civil crisis in Ukraine, due on the one hand, the total desacralization of traditional values, on the other – the lack of philosophical foundations of modern establishment of the appropriate social and cultural conditions of living space, defining which human life and community would be sanctify to the idea of "we".

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Библиографические ссылки

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