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Modern social and civilizational processes in society led to the relevance of treatment of a number of humanitarian topics to review of the structure and operation of the concept space. Theoretical analysis of new social formations (hypermarkets, fashion houses, recreational areas and many others) can not take place in the categories of classical ontology, which can not cover the specifics of symbolic and socio-cultural formations. In the twentieth century within philosophy a number of changes were formed (linguistic, iconic, anthropological, medial, performative, spatial and others). The purpose of the article is the socio-philosophical analysis of the performative aspect of the concept "heterotopiya" in Michel Foucault's concept. The methods of research are analytical, critical and interdisciplinary approach, logical and systematic analysis of the problems. The main results of the research are the use of spatial rotation (spatial turn), which describes using the categories of "topos", "right", "space" and all other existing variety of social, intercultural, interpersonal relations. One of the new areas of space research is performativistic theory of space (or performative space), which is not spread in the humanities. The definition of space as a chain of relationships allows us to consider the concept of Foucault`s heterotopiya as performative approach. Scientific novelty of research results is opening of opportunities of philosophical analysis of fashion as performative space (including Foucault`s concept). Conclusions and specific proposals of the author. In the concept of Foucault`s heterotopiya primordial origin and existence of space there are not geographical features and architectural buildings, but social and interpersonal inter-action that contributes to individual physical space for the realization of these relations. Praxeology of individuals should be non-standard and "flip" the existing format of relations in society. This process is possible by the following principles: association of individuals in the group; polyfunctionality; the existence of several spaces in one place; heterochrony; ambivalence (closed/open); creating illusions. Social and philosophical analysis of the performative aspect of the concept "heterotopiya" contributes to the enrichment of theoretical basis of the research of social space and the space of fashion, and will open new prospects for research of this issue.

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Библиографические ссылки

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