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. This article analyzes the phenomenon of co-existence: the analysis is focused on the study of theoretical and methodological preconditions of social integrity phenomenon research. Trends in the conceptual base of modern social theory focused on the research of social phenomenon, the study of the conditions and mechanisms for the development of sociality. This phenomenon is the basis of individual and social existence, condition of solving the problem of social integrity. Limited capacities of the political philosophy classical methodology in sociality analysis demonstrates the limits of this approach potential. Political philosophy reduces co-existence to one aspect of the policy field. In this connection, a purpose of this work is a study of nature, manifestations, and potential phenomenon community (communitas). The author also examines the impact of the totalitarian practices threat that its leads to the problem of personality existential duality in the modern society. In particular the study attracts attention to the situation of mainstreaming totalitarian desire «to have, to exploit». The desire «to have», in conflict desire «to be», is a major cause of growing problem of existential split personality. As a research methodology of the social integrity problem, the author uses the existential and anthropological approaches. These theoretical directions actualize the potential of the non-political communities. This methodological step reveals sociality a qualitatively different level of socio-cultural analysis as the practice to others reified. A scientific novelty of this work is to try to expand the heuristic possibilities of the sociality theory in terms of the analysis of the social integrity problems in order to create a comprehensive research methodology of the problem. Conclusions. Thus, the study of the community potential, its mechanisms and the logic of this phenomenon as a manifestation of the transcendent nature of the person, allows conceptualizing the problems of individual integrity and social order. Based on the principle that the microcosm is in the macrocosm and the macrocosm is in the microcosm, a researcher sees the solution of social contradictions and integration problems through the analysis of the co-existence phenomenon existential nature. This is the consideration of the spirituality potential for individual and social life and factors that block its development.

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Библиографические ссылки

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