Reception of Stoicism in the «First Rome» doctrine
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In preparing Christian socio-historical doctrines a significant contribution have been done by the Stoics. Stoicism developed moral problems by promoting humble attitude towards the world and government. The most prominent representative of the Stoic philosophy was Seneca who criticized contemporary society, but did not oppose to wealth and slavery. Seneca justified this idea as «Divine Providence» in relation to the earthly things status. He came from that veritable tsar's power is determined by the only accomplished Reason, that provides a sequence in a faith in God that manages Universe. Marcus Aurelius is the last representative of ancient stoicism. In his doctrine a necessity to «admire» before Reason-Logos-God is underlined. These ideas are consonant to presentations of early christianity. Marcus Aurelius deepened the philosophical argumentation of Christianity political dimension.Thinkers believe that only philosophy is able to root in an empire a statemanship, political tolerance, service to the public benefit, mercy. Finally, in the ideas of Seneca and Marcus Aurelius it is possible to see the original founding for forming of future socio-political doctrine of «First Rome» with her claim on civilization religiously-moral meaningfulness.
Article Details
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