Futurological aspects of modernization at higher education sphere of Ukraine
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The futurological aspects of theories which substantiate the content of modernization processes at Ukrainian higher education sphere are reviewed at the article. Especially author puts an accent on the fact that modernization of education have to make sphere of education adequate to modern condition of society, in which it is also a big need for feed-forward higher education. So modernization of this sphere needs the results of considerable researches of human civilization future and also the understanding of globalization as a minor vector of humanity development. We uphold an idea that active using of futurological methodology has big heuristic potential during substantiation of strategy of Ukrainian higher education development at the background of globalization. Also it is discovered the heuristic potential of social philosophy and philosophy of education methodologies. Author upholds an idea that they can instill the theoretic sufficiency and more pointed nature for modernization processes at the national sphere of higher education. Mentioned approaches would help to find new fundament for idea of university at XXI century at conditions of strong globalization tendencies and formation of social requests for human with new type of thinking.
Article Details
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