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Svitlana HANABA


Problem is the need to find new ideological and methodological guidelines of education development that takes into account the complexity and variability of the modern world. Purpose. Purpose is coverage of the methodological potential of communicative philosophy and the problems of modernization of educational activity. Methods. Research methods – the research applies hermeneutical approach in the analysis of the communicative nature of knowledge. Results. The concept of communication is one of the fundamental in educational activities. Communication is a precondition for personal, individual existence, which determines the possibility of existence and the realization of human essence. Communication has creative character and acts as an original project of social action. Its potential is directed at the development of new skills, especially social, as well as the search for effective ways to achieve them. It is determined that the modern educational activity is based on understanding the space of education as an open, complex system that is in the process of self-transformation and self-development, understanding knowledge as a source of personal transformation subjects of study. Originality. The examination of communication as interaction represents the development of the subjects of learning through the experience of the Other, which is understood not as a hostile but as different. In the light of Another the particular human self is enriched and aware of new opportunities and benchmarks for their own development. Experience of Another allows seeing the world through the eyes of Another and yourself through the eyes of Another. Conclusion. Communicative practices lead to major adjustments in the development of didactics. Methodological potential of communicative philosophy allows finding new guides in the development of didactic practices, to rebuild their positions in subject-subject relations. Communication focuses not only on the ability to listen but to hear. Consideration of communication as an action will allow not only to describe problems but to solve them. Communication is seen as an important factor in the socialization of person, demonstrates his ability to master the situation.

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