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Kostiantyn BRATKO


Phenomenological experience of formation and definition of the disciplinary status of aesthetic science is studied in the article. The purpose of the research is to prove the hypothesis of a direct relationship between the method of justification and the development of aesthetics and its epistemological potential. On the basis of the analysis of the theoretical heritage of Roman Ingarden, it turns out that the cognitive possibilities of aesthetics are revealed most fully if it develops as an organic component of the system of philosophical knowledge. Under such conditions, its research strengthens the fundamentals of the system and acquires an interdisciplinary character. The results obtained by it help to solve the issues of other philosophical sciences: ontology, axiology, philosophy of culture and others. However, there is the possibility of fruitful interaction with particular scientific disciplines: art studies, psychology, sociology of art and others. On the other hand, consistent implementation of the phenomenological instruction allows including in the subject area of aesthetics practically all components of artistic culture. Subject universalism favorably distinguishes phenomenological aesthetics from other aesthetic disciplines, which build up on a particular scientific basis. The article grounds to assert the presence of direct dependence between the method of constituting, disciplinary status and cognitive potential of aesthetic science. The phenomenological experience testifies that the aesthetics as a philosophical discipline and an organic constituent of the system of philosophical knowledge plays an extraordinarily important role development of cognition and spiritual culture.

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