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Introduction. In exacerbation of ideological debates and interfaith contradictions of our concern is not only the Orthodox community, but also all conscious Ukrainian society today, deserves special attention as a fundamental phenomenon monastery church organization. Modern information society requires scientific attention to the Orthodox monastery as an integrated information system for a long period of its existence influenced the formation of the ideology of the Ukrainian nation. Purpose - to analyze the role of Orthodox monasteries in shaping the outlook of Ukrainian society at different stages of its history. Methods. The research problems by using a combination of methods used in the humanities and social sciences, including: history (the study of the features of Orthodox monasticism at different stages of its history, structural (the analysis of structural features of Orthodox monasticism), functional (the analysis functions of Orthodox monasteries in society, as well as analysis and synthesis, synthesis. Results. Ukrainian Orthodox monasteries is the actual implementation of social memory in Ukrainian society, an element of identification of the Ukrainian nation, which is important for tolerance to another type of ideology, but preserving their own language, culture and worldview. At different historical stages ascetic life of monks was a kind of moral ideal society, enabling religious propaganda. At all stages of historical state was interested in the dedication of his power and monasteries - in maintaining their independence from the state. The economic function Monastery ensure its existence in society, but contrary to the principle of religious poverty. The emergence of printing in Orthodox monasteries provided the distribution Orthodox ideology. Originality. Analysis of the monastery as an integrated complex that combines different communication systems - library, publishing, information that ensure the effectiveness of the monastic community interaction and communication with the public. Conclusion. The current monastery is not only a temple complex, and, above all, the monastic community, with its own system of ideological beliefs and the possibility of active promotion by means of internet technology. In terms of information warfare should pay attention to the state and public organizations on the content of propaganda being done Orthodox monastery for strengthening national identity and spiritual unity of Ukrainian society.

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