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. It has been stated that the transformations in the field of world experience and world attitude served as one of the sources of the appearance of social devitalized individuals. These transformations demonstrate that worldview, which thanks to the logically related complex ideas should guide the behavior of individuals, cannot cope with the provided role, due to lack of relevant and viable ideas. One of the reasons of such skidding seems to be the situation in the ideological sphere of society, namely, the prevalence of de-ideologization and lack of ideas as for the importance of preserving the presence, activity and relationships of individuals within the social space. Purpose of the publication is to display the author's vision of the expediency of the promotion in the social space of the social life statement ideology as a deterrent tool on the exit of a person outside the society and loss as a result of this vital human qualities (we call this phenomenon “social devitalization of a personality”). Results. It has been outlined that ideology as a phenomenon should not be crossed out from social space, because it is related to the construction of the value hierarchy. This is an important moment when the social space is characterized by anomy. However, the dominance of negative stereotype about ideology does not allow to talk about the successful implementation of the social life statement ideology as a separate species in a social space. In this regard, there highlighted the likely difficulties in the way of implementation of the proposed kind of ideology. Originality. For the first time the social life statement ideology is suggested for using as a tool to slow down the spread of social devitalization of a personality. It is a kind of ideology which is more an epistemic project rather than a way to manipulate and therefore focuses on beliefs and understanding of human values of life within the social space. Conclusion. The main result of the implementation of the social life statement ideology is the creation of an individual who is as a result of the explanatory activity from the social space can proportionally combine social activity of individual lives and keeping the balance in a situation of stay between the social and the individual, intelligently organizes and designs its own destiny.
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