The function of linear system parameters in logical conclusions’ system-parametric measurement

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Yuliya Popova


The article represents different logical forms investigation in categories of the General Parametric Systems Theory and dual system modeling. The author states the General Parametric Systems Theory foundations and possibilities of its ideas application to the investigation of basic logical forms: proposition and operations with it (conversion, reversion and contraposition), the logical square and various forms of conclusions (syllogistic, inductive, conditional, conditionally categorical, disjunctive, disjunctively conditional, and relational). Logical forms are examined as system-parametric models and for each model the values of linear system parameter “simplicity – complexity” are determined. This parameter has both quantitative (N. Goodman’s model) and qualitative (A. Uyomov) forms. Complexity meanings of logical conclusions system models are represented visually in tabular form and correlated with qualities of novelty and trustworthiness of knowledge which we get in various types of logical conclusions. Quantitative values of complexity are proved with the help of qualitative characteristics. Our results give grounds for a system-parametric classification of logical conclusions and allow investigation of various logical forms simultaneously, in their interrelationship.

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