Ethos of music as a problem of ancient philosophy and culture
Main Article Content
The article reviews the main versions of the origin of the ancient doctrine of ethos of music. Conditions of its appearance, the nature of its origin, its entity and philosophical significance are investigated. The author identifies the following main approaches to the interpretation of entity of this philosophical Antiquity phenomenon: the doctrine of ethos of music as an aesthetic concept, as a pragmatic utilitarian project, as the technology of human self-perfection, as a pedagogical theory and as a philosophical theory of music. The author studies the nature of its origin and characterizes all these versions. The entity of the ancient doctrine of the ethos of music is revealed and its importance to the present time is reinterpreted. A philosophical-theoretical grounding concept of «ethos of music» is given and the mechanisms of its expression in music and art practice is revealed. The extent and meaning of «ethos of music» is exposed. The idea of unity of ethical and aesthetical in music is substantiated. The idea of understanding the music as a peculiar mirror is explained, truthfulness of expression in music is defined by its artistry criterion. Ethos of music is a unique phenomenon of ancient philosophy and culture.
Article Details
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