Arguments in favour of the hypothesis about the basic and universal attribute of religious consciousness
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Arguments corroborating the eternalistic hypothesis which presupposes presence of the boundary and fundamental attribute of religious consciousness, «meta-faith» in the eternal, invariable, ultimate; the Absolute which ensures order and reasonableness of the Universe, are analysed. It is assumed that eternalism has extra-mental transcendent nature. The article suggests synthesizing problems of ontology and epistemology of religion with some points of quantum and emergence theories, analytic philosophy of consciousness, transpersonal psychology. The provided arguments partially serve in favour of the eternalistic theory which may be understood as a modernized and scientisized version of theismus. On the other hand, there are also grounds for extra-religious interpretations. The eternalistic theory is qualified as indefinitely general, empirically not enough corroborated, non-specified, representative and semantic, theoretical, and also as one which involves ad hoc. Its problematic sections include: 1) points that cannot be logically verified and possess functional and truth gaps; 2) reductionism and operational uncertainty; 3) intersection of reasoning universes; 4) unjustifiedly facile transition from theism to pantheism and panpsychism, and vice versa. However, such open to falsification hypotheses appear to be relevant enough for understanding and explanation of the essence of religious consciousness, fundamentals of religious knowledge and specificity of God knowledge.
Article Details
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