Diagnoses of modernity: social and philosophical dimension
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The article notes that at the turn of 19-20 centuries it is formed a new, different from the previous one, the vision of the human self. It is built not on the basis of self-determination, but it means reflexive self-relation, which is mediated by the presence of «significant other». However, attention is focused on the common moment of reflexivity thinking for both periods. That is what is the basis for a vision of modernity or as «radical modernism» or as «communicative rationality», or as the manifestations of modernism. The study examines the social and philosophical concepts of contemporary / modern. The author makes an attempt of comparative analysis of this concept in the artistic heritage of representatives of modern Western philosophy in terms of their involvement in the educational process of rethinking the epistemological paradigm. On the base on a brief historical and cultural retrospectives is proposed typology of approaches to the definition of notion «Сontemporary / Modern». As for the terms «modernism» / «postmodernism», they primarily relate to the scope of artistic activity. In the article the attempt of the typologization the approaches to the phenomenon of modern and finding out of their essence is realized.
Article Details
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