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Introduction. The futher study of history of the aesthetical traditions represents one of the most important tasks of the modern philosophical and aesthetical discourse. It goes without saying that the adequate understanding of the aesthetical doctrines of the medieval Europe as well as of the Rus’-Ukraina in particular is impossible without taking into consideration the specific features of the Byzantine aesthetics. This evident fact proves the actuality of exploration of the aesthetical tradition of Byzantium – the state, which existed in the IV-XVth centuries. Purpose. The aim of this article is to make a review of the aesthetical, ethical, historical, historical and philosophical, culturological and theological studies on the Byzantine aesthetics, as well as of the definite principles of exploration of the corresponding philosophical tradition. Methods. Using the scientific methods of generalization and systematization, the author tries to draw attention to the necessity of the thorough hermeneutical analysis of the Byzantine culture as the reliable method of the modern historical and aesthetical byzantology. Results. As an inseparable part of the modern historical and aesthetical medievistics the historical and aesthetical byzantology must point out the aesthetical dimension of the Byzantine culture with taking into consideration its implicit character. The medieval aesthetical thought exists in very strong and quite natural connection with the sphere of religious ideas. Moreover, the cultural traditions of Byzantium have especially strong religious character. Originality. According to A. Tsarenok’s opinion, the scientists, who study the Byzantine aesthetics, first of all should pay attention to the peculiarities of the Orthodox theological discourse and analyse the works of Byzantine preachers and ascetics. Conclusion. Making review of the numerous studies on the Byzantine aesthetics, A. Tsarenok states that some important aspects of the corresponding problem are not explored enough. Among them we find the problem of the Byzantine aesthetics of the asceticism, which influences the aesthetical traditions of the whole Christian East.

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