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Volodymyr KVASHYN


Introduction. In recent decades,  information has become a product and a strategic resource, thus it has become the important prerequisite for society’s transition to a new social structure – the information society. Purpose. The investigation of the influence of socio-economic conditions on the development of information processes in society, in terms of the development of the information society. Methods. In the research, the descriptive method, complex analysis, structural and functional analysis of the issues of socio-economic conditions of the development of information processes in society were used. Results. It was shown that socio-economic conditions of the development of information processes in society are interconnected and dependent on many factors, such as technical, moral-ethical fnd so on. In the current conditions of human development the main place takes a man that, on the one hand, acts as a performer and a customer of a new socio-economic model of the development of society and information processes in society. Originality. The scientific novelty of research consists of the fact that as the technical and technological factors of the development of information processes, the major factors are moral and ethical, in which the main role plays studying, education and level of education that indirectly influence on the level of development of information and communication technologies. Conclusion. Summing up it should be noted that for the creation of necessary socio-economic conditions of the development of information processes in society, the main objective for the government should be the formation and implementation of public policies, the creation of necessary legal and regulatory framework and socio-economic conditions for the further sustainable development of information processes in society.

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