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Tetyana KUPRII


Introduction. Christian Democracy is an attitude which is founded on understanding of dignity of personality and gives to humanity a most chance in the self-expression of the political necessities. Purpose. The purpose of the article consists in clearing up the concept of christian democracy and its influence on motion and becoming of policy of the states of Europe and Ukraine. Methods. Methodological basis of the article is the historical method and the method of scientifical objectivity. System analytical approach allows to consider sources, essence and specific of christian democracy. Results. Basic tasks and directions of development of christian democratic motion are formed during a 20 century and then the important substantial parameters of christian policy were determined. The article outlined main principles of christian democracy: solidarity, subsidiarity, personal responsibility, decentralization, which pawned the specific understanding of conception «person – society – state». Maintenance and basic principles of studies of christian democrats, feature of functioning of christian democratic parties is exposed in the world and in Ukraine in a historical retrospective view. Originality. The scientific novelty of research results is in author’s interpretation of concept «christian democracy»; the position about the negative factors of influence on the domestic socially philosophical sources of christian democracy is substantiated in the article; the prognosis of development of christian democracy in Ukraine on the nearest prospect is made. Conclusion. The democracy of theorists of christian-political idea and democracy are known must find social explicaty, because of the special role of christianity and democracy for a civilized manner spiritual and socio-political discourse of intellectual, pro-European association of Ukraine.

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