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Ihor Goyan


The political and cultural disintegration of the Ukrainian society together with long military crisis and support of separatist movements by the part of the Ukrainian society actualizes the problem of finding the factors of national consolidation. The ethnic factor which has the leading value in the post-Soviet regions is extremely uncritically used in the present social and cultural conditions. The purpose. The main purpose is theoretical outline of prospects of use the ethnic principle in the creation of modern Ukrainian state. Methods. The interdisciplinary nature of the work causes necessity of use not only such scientific methods as analysis, synthesis and generalization, but also analytical and construction methods, on the basis of which the basic theoretical generalizations are formulated. Results. The idea of impossibility of use the ethnic principle in civic politics at modern socio-cultural conditions of Ukrainian people and state existence without substantial rethinking of the terms "ethnic group", "ethnos" and "ethnicity" is substantiated. This is because above mentioned concepts can be transformed into a means of disintegration and not consolidation of the Ukrainian society if being formed on the background of substantial approaches to nation formation. This trend is clearly seen in Ukraine throughout all the history of its independence. The scientific novelty. The author proposes a unique understanding of ethnicity which should be seen not as stable historically formed group of people with certain characteristics, but appear to be characteristic quality of internal and external development of the group in the particular area, as the result of which ethnos should be designed not only on the basis of historically formed characteristics, but teleological goals. Conclusions. Further strengthening of the ethnic principle in its classical variations can stimulate new separatist movements and disintegrate historically, culturally and what is most important the ethnically divided Ukrainian society until such programs of national consolidation are formed, within which the leading role will be played not only by common historical heritage but by Ukrainian joint future.

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