Established in: 1997
Topics: the scientific journal contains articles devoted to current problems of social philosophy, philosophy of culture, aesthetics, religious studies, philosophy of science and education. Publications examine the philosophical foundations of modern transformational processes in Ukraine, peculiarities of functioning of moral, aesthetic, political and religious consciousness, analyze urgent issues of the philosophy of education, give the philosophical vision of a wide range of historical and philosophical problems.
For a wide range of experts in the Humanities, teachers, graduate students and applicants.
Abstract databases: Google Scholar (Bulletin of Cherkasy University. Philosophy Series, scholar.google.com), abstracts database Ukrainika Naukova (Bulletin of Cherkasy University. Philosophy Series, irbis-nbuv.gov.ua).
Indexation in international databases:
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 85,88.
ISSN 2518-122X (Online), ISSN 2076-5894 (Print)
State registration certificate: KV No. 24044-13884R dated 21.05.2019
Specialized scientific publication registration: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 528 dated 12.05.2015
Specialty according to State Accrediting Committee: 09 – Philosophical Sciences
Frequency: two times per year
Language of the publication: Ukrainian, English, Russian
Founder: Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
Executive editor: Oleksii Marchenko, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor
Executive secretary: Volodymyr Protsyshyn, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
Editorial board: O. V. Marchenko, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor; V. M. Protsyshyn, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, associate prof.; V.S. Bohdanov, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor; M.Y. Dmytrenko, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor; V.R. Duikin, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor; M.P. Ishchenko, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor; O. G. Kolomiets; T.P. Korotkaia, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor (Belarus);P. V. Kretov, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, associate prof.; K. Szymanek, Dr. Hab. (Poland); W. Slomski, Dr. Hab., Prof. (Poland); M.M. Stadnyk, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor; D.V. Usov, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, associate prof.; V.T. Shpak, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor
Editorial office address: 81 Shevchenko Blvd.,Cherkasy18031
Telephone: (0472) 37-55-57
E-mail: philosophy@cdu.edu.ua
Publication web-site address (URL): http://philosophy-ejournal.cdu.edu.ua