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Introduction. This article analyzes the content changes of the famous metaphysical doctrines of Western Philosophy and their attempt to build the perfect epistemology which would reach the level of «pure being» (Aristotel). The author considers the irresistible duality of subject and object of knowledge in R. Descartes’s philosophy and a phenomenological version of overcoming their dissociation (E. Husser’s theory of intentionality of consiousness). The pros and cons of Haidegger’s project of comprehension by a subject the meaning of his own life and the defining features of K. Subiri’s noology are analyzed. The noology declares the «simultaneity» and equality of apprehension so as the pure actualization of a real is a formal nature of the act of comprehension. The author stressed the role which goes out on the first plan in philosophy of K. Subiri. Exactly in feeling we are irreversibly submerged in reality, consequently an act of feeling at the same time is the act of understanding, because understanding is a feeling of reality. In the article the author studies the changes in the emphasis on the research attention of prominent thinkers of being, as well as to highlight the main features of the perspective philosophical concept of K. Subiri in the relation of his teaching to the previous stages of the development of metaphysics. Most attention is drawn to the variants of the solution of the question that was of interest to philosophical thinking always, throughout its history until now. This question is formulated as a problem of correlation of knowledge and reality. 

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