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The study of the problem the purpose of human activities is important as an integral aspect of social activity that affects social relations and being. Introduction. The problem of definition is relevant and very complex and the thinkers from the times of ancient philosophy to nowadays are interested in it. Purpose. The aim of the article is to explore the changes in conceptual ideas about the purpose in those philosophies, where it plays an important role in shaping the social behavior of the individual. Methods. To achieve this goal the author used the philosophical methodology of the principle of interaction of nomothetic and ideographic methods of cognition. Results. Having considered the question of purpose in the philosophy of Aristotle, thinkers of the New time, I. Kant, G. Hegel, M. Weber, some modern philosophers the author got some results. The most important of which is that the views of philosophers on the problem of goals have varied and depend on the development of the world, society and a man. Originality. The question of the purpose of human behavior that is considered in the context of social life is extremely complex, this behavior is influenced by heterogeneous factors. Conclusion. These issues should not remain outside the purview of philosophy, especially social philosophy. It is able to show the complex and multifaceted relations of man and society, individual human behavior and social action in general.

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